
Allergic asthma

Definition of bronchial asthma

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory illness of the lower airways, which is accompanied by increased bronchial sensitivity to various stimuli. Hypersensitivity of the airways can lead to bronchial constriction, which causes the typical symptoms:

Asthma symptoms:

  • Sudden attacks of breathing difficulty, often during the night and in the morning
  • Difficulty exhaling
  • Shortness of breath
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Coughing and wheezing noises when breathing
  • Occasional constriction of the airways, reversible


Allergic asthma

Depending on the trigger, a distinction is made between allergic asthma and non-allergic asthma. Allergic asthma is one of many atopic illnesses which is characterised by an overreaction of the immune system to external stimuli. With allergic asthma, the asthma attack is triggered by an allergic reaction from contact with allergens such as pollen, dust mites and animal hair. Bronchial constriction, leading to attacks of shortness of breath, which are extremely stressful. The airways have a strong defensive reaction - the respiratory muscles contract, and the airways react by secreting a viscous mucus. Since it constitutes about 80% of all cases, allergic asthma is the most common of all asthmatic illnesses.


Dust mite allergy is a risk factor for bronchial asthma

Sneezing fits and a runny or blocked nose are the indications of dust mite allergy for the majority of sufferers. If these symptoms are not taken seriously and dealt with quickly, the allergic reaction can spread from the upper to the lower airways. The typical signs of an allergic reaction of the lower airways are throat irritation, breathing difficulty and fits of coughing. These are a sign that the allergy is affecting the bronchia, which can ultimately lead to chronic bronchial asthma. 20 to 50 percent of people who develop asthma within a period of 5-15 years and are allergic to dust mites are affected by this development.


Preventing allergic bronchial asthma

Asthma is incurable. However, people who suffer from asthma can learn to live with the illness and reduce the frequency of asthma attacks with the aid of individual, life-long treatment consisting of medication, physical exercise and breathing techniques. It is particularly important to know what triggers the attacks and how to minimise these triggering factors. To prevent the development of allergic asthma it is important to avoid contact with allergens as much as possible. Allergen avoidance is therefore the primary measure in treating the allergy. In the case of house dust allergy, effective allergen reduction in the living and sleeping areas can be achieved using targeted measures. This starts with covering your mattresses, bed cover and pillows with anti-allergen covers such as ALLERGOCOVER.