Millions of mites live in every household, whether you like it or not. As an allergy sufferer, however, the small arachnids can be quite a nuisance. If you suffer from restless sleep, an allergy to mites could be behind it.
Unfortunately, dust mites are not visible to the naked eye. With a maximum size of 0.5 mm, they crawl undetected over our mattresses and feed on skin residue that we lose every night. Most people are therefore not even aware that the little mites live constantly among us. Especially non-allergic people do not take any notice of the arachnids. But for allergic persons the little animals are a torture. The mite excrement literally robs the affected persons of their sleep. Itching and biting eyes as well as headaches are among the most common symptoms of the disease.
Very unpleasant are the so-called itch mites. If you are infected with them, you will get more mite bites. Reddened skin areas are the result.
There are many tips on how to deal with mites. Although you cannot ban mites from your own four walls with a handshake for all eternity, there are useful tips that we would be happy to share with you.
Dust mite covers: Equip your sleeping area with allergen-proof covers (Encasings)
Bed climate: Avoid bedspreads and always let your bed cool down well
Washing: Wash your normal bed linen regularly at 60 degrees
Plants/animals: Ban animals and plants from your bedroom
Airing: Air all rooms 3 times a day for about 10 minutes
Carpet: Avoid high-pile carpets containing harmful substances
Wipe: Wipe smooth floors regularly with a damp cloth
Vacuuming: Let others vacuum or use a mouth guard
Humidity: Make sure that the air humidity is low and do not use humidifiers
Room equipment: Avoid open shelves or other dust catchers