
Mite species - Overview

There is a great variety of mite species. Only on closer inspection with a magnifying glass can the small arachnids be recognized. They differ not only in name but also in appearance. The following list promotes background knowledge about mites and provides information about their habits as well as their interaction with humans and animals.

1. Scavenger mites or grave mites
2. House dust mites
3. Grass mites
4. Ear mites
5. Flour mites
6. Hair follicle mites


1. Mange mites or grave mites

Scabies mites are among the most unpleasant opponents for humans. This mite species bites its way under the skin and works its way through the corridors. In these the mother host then lays its eggs. When these hatch, an unpleasant itch-scratch cycle begins for humans. Externally, red areas of skin are visible, which can lead to pronounced sore spots due to the scratching process.

Occurrence: Scratch mites are spread worldwide and are mostly transmitted by skin contact. Popular body parts are the navel, in the armpits, on the nipples and in the genital area.

Food: Scabies mites need oxygen to survive and feed on human skin cells.

Treatment: If you are affected by itchy mites, this is notifiable. Contact your doctor, as untreated it can lead to bacterial infections of the connective tissue or even to blood poisoning.


2. House dust mites

House dust mites are particularly well known to allergy sufferers. The small arachnids are less dangerous, but can still lead to very annoying symptoms. Itchy eyes, headaches or poor sleep characterize the symptoms. Responsible for these symptoms is the dust mite's excrement left behind by the house dust mite. This is inhaled and gets into the lungs. From there the allergic proteins enter the body and lead to allergic reactions.

Occurrence: House dust mites prefer warm and humid areas. They feel particularly at home in mattresses or pillows.

Food: Waste skin particles are one of the main sources of food. Humans are constantly losing some of them, so that there is always a large pool of mites.

Treatment: Dust mite covers are recommended so that the crushed mite faeces no longer enter the respiratory tract. These anti-mite covers are woven in such a way that the mite residues get caught in the covers and no longer enter the body. An absolute must for all allergy sufferers.


3. Grass mites

Another unpleasant mite species is the grass mite. It is especially active in summer.

Occurrence: Grass mites are usually found in gardens, meadows or bushes. Their bite causes an unpleasant sensation. The small animals mainly avoid soft skin areas. But also the backs of their knees and ankles are popular targets. Otherwise, this mite species is harmless and not dangerous.

Food: With their bite they try to get food. Cell sap and lymph fluid magically attract grass mites.

Treatment: In order to get the itching under control, you should not scratch under any circumstances. This would only lead to deeper wounds. Instead, the wound should be disinfected. A wound and healing ointment from the nearby pharmacy is advisable. Otherwise, the bite marks may still be noticeable two weeks later.


4. Ear mites

Ear mites are also parasites and often occur in cats and dogs.

Occurrence: Ear mites usually spread from animal to animal. Especially dogs and cats are selected objects.

Food: Similar to the digger mite, ear mites try to feed on the skin of the animals in the ear. Once they have penetrated the skin, lymph and tissue fluid are also readily absorbed.

Treatment: The most effective treatment is at the vet. He applies a solution tincture, which declares war on the mites. This is repeated as long as the mite infestation is clearly defeated. Please note that a transferability to humans can also be given at any time.


5. Flour mites

As the name "flour mite" already suggests, this species is usually found in cereals, flour or grains. Due to their small size, they are difficult to recognize with the naked eye. Flour mites also feel quite at home in oats, semolina or baking mixtures and find optimal living conditions.

Food: Emerging germs and traces of mould attract flour mites and guarantee a good livelihood.

Treatment: If inactive, the earthworms continue to multiply. Therefore it is important to dispose of the infested food as soon as possible. Therefore, seal the packaging with a plastic bag and remove the infestation from your home. In this way you are playing it safe.


6. Hair follicle mites

Appearance: Hair follicle mites feel very comfortable at any hairline. The transparent small animals love humans and animals equally.

Food: This type of mite feeds on skin sebum, which is produced in the human sebaceous glands. The sebum serves to protect the skin from diseases, pathogens or chemicals.

Treatment: The doctor prescribes an anti-mite cream. This cream is applied to the affected areas and removes the basis for the mites.